Appointment Booking


How an appointment booking works

If you are a returning patient:

Please visit the patient portal by clicking here. You will be able to sign in and make an appointment that is convenient for you!

Remember, it is advisable to bookmark the patient portal for easier access. All messages, transactions, and appointments will come across in the patient portal.


We are currently NOT taking new patients

If you are a new patient:

Please fill out the “New Patient Appointment Request Form” below and submit it.

Once it is submitted our staff will set up a patient portal for you and you will receive an email to gain access. Please note this access email will come from “” and will say “Reliable Mental Health Services Patient Portal Account Setup”

After you gain access to your patient portal you will be able to fill out new patient paperwork, add a card payment, and schedule an appointment that is convenient for you!

Not currently taking new patients.

Thank you and we look forward to serving you!

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